Conflict-Free Diamonds

How can you make sure your diamond is conflict-free?

So what are conflict-free diamonds or ethically sourced diamonds?
The diamond industry has a tragic historical tale behind it.
This rare, expensive crystal was often discovered in poor countries in which the regimes were not very strict on “human rights aspects of life” sort of speak, it attracted many violent, greedy individuals and groups that enslaved and mistreated (to say the least) their workers in the mines and also sold their diamonds to buy weapons and finance revolutions, senseless wars and brutal killings of the local population.

In the recent period, there is a growing awareness of the matter, and people that still want diamonds do not want their money to be funneled to these people on the other side of the world.

In 2003 the “Kimberly Process” was established and it is an organization that was founded to put a stop to that aspect of the industry.

The Kymberly process organization works with traders, miners, and governments to make sure they are all in line and that the dark side of the industry is eliminated.

This organization is very successful and the entire legit diamond industry works according to their codes and under their supervision.
These days it is actually illegal for a diamond cutter or jeweler to purchase a raw diamond that is not conflict-free.

So how, as a customer, you know your diamond is conflict-free and under the Kimberly process protection?
The actual certificates are only given to those really large corporations buying directly from the mines and are not forwarded down the line to the smaller cutting companies and the jewelers.

As you may have heard the modern diamond industry, much like the old one is still based mostly on reputation and trust and no respectable diamond business would jeopardize their reputation for a little extra cash… diamond cutters and jewelers know that they only buy their diamonds informal diamond exchanges around the world or world expos in which also check the attenders background before allowing admittance and participation.

So what you need to do, when you buy a raw diamond ring, is ask the seller where Do they get their diamonds from?
Diamonds should only be bought from reputable sellers in a diamond exchange or a formal gem exhibition.

If the seller does not seem confident or tells you anything vague about the source you should take your business elsewhere.